So far, so good:-)
I've knitted 4 new pairs for the big sock challenge; 52 Pair Plunge. Or just the plunge, as I like to call it. Very different socks, all of these, but I like to switch between different yarn, and different patterns.
Up in the left corner is a pair of childrens socks, size about 3 years (it's rather funny how all of my children socks ends up in that size, I think it's mostly because I have my nephew Marcus in mind when I knit them :-) ) I have used Wollmeise Twin again, it's sooooo wonderful to knit. And after what I've heard; those socks lasts forever. The colorway is called Löwenzahn (daffodil) and it really looks like daffodils color.
Up to the right is another pair knitted in Wollmeise Twin. These anklets is called Calcetines de Ivo, and the pattern is from a knitting book called Andean Folk Knitting. The dark blue colorway is called Moses (don't ask me why) and the greenish is called Zarte Knospe ( I think I could translate it to Tender Buds). I was so happy about how these turned out, so I shall keep them myself:-)
The loooong gray socks is knitted in a sockyarn called Sterk, from Du Store Alpakka. Maybe you've alrady guessed it, there is some alpaca in this yarn. Together with 40 % merino and 20 % nylon, this is both strong and soft socks. They sits really perfect to me, and I'm a size 37 in shoes. (European)
Down in right corner there is a children pair of socks, or a small womans size. These socks is knitted in Regia 6-ply tweed sockyarn, together with some leftover from the long socks. That makes also this pair strong socks. These socks is inspired from the mentioned book; Andean Folk Knitting. I just saw a easy pattern in it, and adapted it to fit a sock. Easy, peasy pattern, nothing to be boasting about:-P
But; these socks are for sale, and if you are interested, send a mail:-) And you have to be really interested if you have read all this... LOL :-D
Pairs # 6, 7, 8 and 9 in the plunge from
tirsdag 8. juni 2010
torsdag 3. juni 2010
De 6 første parene i Plungen er ferdige :O)

Da er sokkegalskapen godt igang for min del også. Disse er mine 6 første par i årets 52PP4 galskap.
De heklete sokkene er mitt eget design, og det jobbes med saken å få det nedskrevet. Noe jeg forøvrig har hatt planer om i ett år. Sånt stjeler strikketid, og det vet jeg ikk om jeg vil ha noe av :O)
La sokkegalskapen lenge leve!
tirsdag 1. juni 2010
The challenge has started
Today the big sock-knitting challenge; 52 Pair Plunge IV, has started. It lasts excactly one year, so until June 1. next year we shall try to knit 52 pair of socks.
All socks finished from today counts, and here are my first 5 pairs. They have all been wip's so they were fast projects to finish.
The red socks above is Skeive sokker, pattern made by ToneM.
The yarn is Järbo Mellanraggi and
the needles is 3 mm.
Size womans medium, shoesize 36 (Norway)
The blue socks is Slippin Stripin
Yarn: Järbo Mellanragge
Yarn: Järbo Mellanragge
Needles: 3 mm
Size mens shoesize 44

The chocolate-brown socks is just one easy-peasy pattern with knits and purls. But they are kind of exclusive though, because they are knitted in Wollmeise. Strong and yet soft handdyed sockyarn from Pfaffenhofen in Germany.
Selfmade pattern
Yarn: Wollmeise Twin
Needles: 2,5 mm
Mens shoesize 43

At the end, I have made to pairs of childrens sock. The blue one which fits size 3 - 4 years, and the green ones which is slightly smaller. Shoesize about 2 years.
Just two pairs of ordinary vanilla socks.
Yarn: Sisu from Sandnes Garn
Needles: 2,5 mm
Ps... the childrens socks are for sale:-) Just send a mail if you are interested.
I wish you all a happy day
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