Om oss / About us

Sokkegalskap satt i system, endelig:-) Vi er to jenter som strikker og hekler sokker i alle farger, størrelser og garnkvaliteter. Felles for oss er at vi bruker garn som er tiltenkt sokker, dvs garn som er slitesterkt. Navnene våre er Wims og Bittami, og noen av dere har kanskje hørt om oss før - på diverse forum og sånt. Siden vi begge er passe bitt av å strikke sokker til enhver tid, fant vi ut at vi skulle ha en felles blogg.

Sockmadness brought into a kind of system, finally. We are two norwegian girls who is knitting and crocheting sock nearly all the time. The socks are in different yarn, colours and sizes. But one thing is in common for both of us; we use sockyarn which is suitable for socks. Yarn that is durable for wearing. Our nicknames is Wims and Bittami, and some of you may know us from various knitting/crochteing forums. And since we both are a bit sock-crazy we thought we'd have a common blog.

tirsdag 1. juni 2010

The challenge has started

Today the big sock-knitting challenge; 52 Pair Plunge IV, has started. It lasts excactly one year, so until June 1. next year we shall try to knit 52 pair of socks.
All socks finished from today counts, and here are my first 5 pairs. They have all been wip's so they were fast projects to finish.
The red socks above is Skeive sokker, pattern made by ToneM.
The yarn is Järbo Mellanraggi and
the needles is 3 mm.
Size womans medium, shoesize 36 (Norway)
The blue socks is Slippin Stripin
Yarn: Järbo Mellanragge
Needles: 3 mm
Size mens shoesize 44

The chocolate-brown socks is just one easy-peasy pattern with knits and purls. But they are kind of exclusive though, because they are knitted in Wollmeise. Strong and yet soft handdyed sockyarn from Pfaffenhofen in Germany.
Selfmade pattern
Yarn: Wollmeise Twin
Needles: 2,5 mm
Mens shoesize 43

At the end, I have made to pairs of childrens sock. The blue one which fits size 3 - 4 years, and the green ones which is slightly smaller. Shoesize about 2 years.
Just two pairs of ordinary vanilla socks.
Yarn: Sisu from Sandnes Garn
Needles: 2,5 mm
Ps... the childrens socks are for sale:-) Just send a mail if you are interested.
I wish you all a happy day

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